Subscriber Benefits

Note: To be a subscriber (To Failed Fate X, not Byond) send money or talk to Inuyasha (Loverboy).

Note: (USD) stands for United States Dollar

One Year = 3 Dollars (USD)
Five Years = 5 Dollars (USD)
Lifetime = 10 Dollars (USD)


     By being a subscriber you will have access to certain privileges, these include: Special Commands, Ability to choose "Orion" as a race, access to planets and areas marked as (Subscriber Only), Subscriber Shop.

Special Commands

     Include: Warp to Player, Summon Player, Play Music (You will get a small list of pre-added midi files available to be played to the world. List is just short of that of a Disc Jockey (DJ)), Sub Chat (A subscriber only chat that only other subscribers can see), Warp to Subscriber Shop (Takes you to a small island with a shop).


     The fourth race, only available after subscribing. Orions are a balanced race that do not have any special strengths or weaknesses. They do however get a natural Armor Class (AC*) every so often when leveling, can get a wide variety of skills/spells including healing spells and attack skillls. Orions can also equipped every piece of equipment in game without any race restrictions (Level and stat restrictions still apply).

Level stat gain: View Races


     Subscribers are able to get to the planet "Orion" and "Ruins" they are also able to get to certain spots where only subscribers can enter, they also can warp to the subscriber shop.

Reference Guide*

AC: Armor Class, the higher the better.