How to?


How to Mine (Section 1)

     This is mining.
     You can mine rocks to get Ores/Metals or Gems, but first you need a pick axe (The thing under the character)(
Please Note: There are 4 types of PickAxes which determine speed how fast you can mine.  The pickaxes available range from Pickaxe (Lowest) to Emerald Pick Axe (Highest), you will need high enough mining to use higher level picks. Your mining level, will depend on what you can mine and when something will stop giving you EXP. ) In this specific picture, the rocks shown give Iron ores, which can be used in about two ways, one is you may use it to forge items(Refer to Section 3 How to Forge for Details), or you may use it to barter* with. (Please Note: NPC's will generally not buy ores)

For more information (See Mining)


How to Fish (Section 2)

     This is Fishing.

     You will need bait along with a Fishing Pole, which limits the fish you can catch. (Say you have a one hundred of any bait and then you can catch one hundred fish, there is a limit to the hole it's self and I never said you have a one hundred percent chance at catching the fish either)

     So lets repeat just so you understand, one hundred of any bait means you can try to catch one hundred fish, but will not catch all of the fish depending on your level of fishing. Now the water piece the character is standing next to is a Fish Hole, this is where you fish from, you need a Fishing Pole(As mentioned earlier) and bait. There are multiple types of bait which correspond to which Fish Hole you are fishing at, in which you can catch that fish.

For more information (See Fishing)


How to Forge (Section 3)

     This is Forging (Well never mind I lied)

     You need some things first before you can forge, first you need to have a hammer. (the thing under the anvil) Then you will need to check the anvil or (See Forging) for what supplies you need  (
Please note:All things can not be made right off the bat, because you need the forging level to create, stronger and better things). You are then going to have to get the ingredients (Example: You need four iron to forge a hammer) the things you need are everywhere keep your eyes open for them, if your going to forge.

For more information (See Forging)


How to Fuse Runes (Section 4)

     This is Rune Fusing
     You need a blank rune to start, you can get a blank rune from forging (
Refer to Section 3 How to Forge for Details)(To make a blank rune you need level fourteen forging and four Iron ore) To make a Fused rune you need ingredients that will create the spell, and to fuse it in to the rune. The higher your Fusing is the better your chance at making them, but nothing is ever one hundred percent so you will never be able to make a Fused Rune every time you try. (Please Note: If your a Dark Elf or a Demon, you can not rune fuse untill you have 50 or better intelligance.)

For more information (See Rune Fusing)


How to Farm (Section 5)

     This is Farming
     First you will need a Hoe. A farming tool in which will change the ground to be come farmable Ground,(You will need to use the Hoe on farming grounds first)(
Please Note:You may use the Hoe to gain farming levels but up until level 19 then it is all seeds from there.) Then you will need Seeds to plant. There are lots of different kinds of seeds which are obtainable by Monsters (Refer to Section 7 for details), and two kinds sold by Farming Shop (See Shops). When you have planted the seeds you must wait for a certain amount of time, then they will grow each seed has three stages: Seedlings, Maturing, and Adult (In that order) - Once the plant as reached Adulthood you can pick which the plants for fruit. The fruits do all sorts of things, like give Hit Points (HP) or Spell Points (Also known as Mana)(SP), increases max inventory space or something else of that matter.

For more information (See Farming)


How to Trap (Section 6)

    This is Trapping.
     Well first you will need a trap (Basic trap). Which can be Forged (
Refer to Section 3 for details). Then you will need the trapping skill which can be bought from a magic trainer.

    Once you have everything you can now begin trapping, all you do is click on trapping skill, click the trap you wish to use and it sets you have about four to five minutes to use it before it disappears (You can set other types of traps such as poison trap which needs poison fruit)
(Refer to Section 3 for details). How to use: Set the trap down and then either wait for a monster to go over it (Which isn't the best way to do it) or set the trap and get a monster to sort of follow you over it. (This is not to be confused with "Luring"* as long as you keep away from towns and Town Guards)


How to Level/Fight (Section 7)

    This Is leveling and fighting.

     You don't need anything to here to start, just your attack button (hehe ^_^)(Although without using any equipment you would be weaker, so equip some sort of weapon or gloves first). There are three different ways to attack (I believe), one is the number '5' on a number pad (Normally if your on a laptop you won't use this (
Please Note: It is '5' on the KeyPad so number lock (Num Lock) must be OFF!) Another way is macroing it by going to (On Dream Seeker)(File > Options and Messages > Client >Macro.) Then a screen will pop up, click 'new macro' and another screen will pop up you can hit find key it will allow you press basically anything, then type in ("attack" or ".center" minus quotation marks).

    The last way is fairly common "Bump Attack". This allows you to just run in to the enemy with only holding your arrow keys, now how to turn on/off Bump attack. Go to the Commands tab* > Options > click Bump Attack. This will make a yes/no window pop up, and hit what ever you want depending on if Bump Attack is already on/off.  

    The Fun part attacking and leveling, after you have figured out what your attack is going to be (Weaponry or H2H*), all you do is walk up to an enemy.

     Start with Weak armored humans because they are much better for new people, and hit your attack this will attack the enemy which will start them to attack you, unless they are aggressive which means they will attack you first if you get to close to them. Once you kill an enemy it will disappear and you will gain the EXP that they leave behind (If they do drop anything)(EXP is automatically gained after killing so you don't have to go searching for it.) On the filp side if you die by the enemy you will lose EXP and have to kill more monsters to gain it back (
Please Note:There is a another catch to dieing, after you have reached level 7. You will no longer be Newbie, which means you learned the ropes, now the catch is when you die not only will you lose EXP, but have a slight chance in losing your inventory, don't worry you can pick it up if your fast enough to get to it!).


How to Level Your Stats (Section 8)

     You can level basically all your stats. The best way to do that though is to stick to it you have a lot of stuff to do when you start, yes it will be rough but that's the glory of it. Well depending on what you want to level, will determent how to go about leveling it. (The higher a Combat Skill the longer it will take to increase a level, till it reaches it's maximum)

    Say you want to level hand to hand combat (H2H*), you will only need your fists nothing more, but you can wear gloves (See Equipment) to get an extra pinch of damage, best way of training H2H is training bag's (TB's*). Training bag's are used for many of the combat skills, except blocking (Since they don't attack) and laziness.

    To train those, you need to do other things. Laziness is the easiest to train you don't need to do anything your self, just click on rest (Lazyness will increase while resting, but not if you've been AFK* for over a half hour, so come on and move around before then)(Please Note: You cannot rest directly after attacking), don't worry Laziness is good the more you have the faster your Health Points (HP) and Spell Points (SP) will regain each time you rest. Blocking: You need to fight an enemy and while they are hitting you, you need to hit the block button or click 'block' and if timed correctly will for a few seconds raise your AC, and the monster will do slightly less damage. (This could come in handy someday)

    To train attributes you need to level (Some races you get a stat bonus in an attribute when they level), like dark elfs (DE) get higher agility bonuses. So you don't need to put as much in to agility but you can always top it out if you want, because all races  get five skill points (Per level). Which allow you to place on any attribute if it is not maxed out. When leveling you will also get ability points which can be used to buy skills and spells (Depends on your race(See Race Stats)

     To train your trade skills, this is one of the easier leveling (Till you get to high trade levels), just refer to each section, and it explains how to use the equipment just repeat each step, but you only need one tool (Hammer,Hoe,Fishing Pole,Etc.)


Refernce Guide *

Barter: To trade by exchange of commodities rather than by the use of money
Luring: Having a monster follow you into a town so that it will be attacked by Town Guards. (Against the Rules)
Tab: Labeled buttons with when clicked on will show different commands or information under them
H2H: Hand to hand combat, used when either no weapon is equipped or when gloves are equipped
TB's: An abbreviation of Training Bag, a stationary monster which doesn't move or attack that is located in certain houses
AFK: Meaning "Away from Keyboard" used to indicate a person going away from the game for any amount of time. Kind of a misnomer if the person using this is still at there computer but not in game.
AC: Armor Class, the higher this is the lower damage to you will be (Doesn't include spell damage)